Including Exclusive News on Hullabazoodle!

Firstly, Hello You! I know it's been a while, forgive me, but so much has happened in six months that I am thinking, where does one begin?
Well, really I can start by saying, what a bamboozling test of strength the beginning of 2024 was! If you follow me on social media then you will understand this year did not start well, and that is saying the very least! What I am trying not to say is "completely and utterly devastating" which will bring back memories and see me sobbing tears and snot into my Kellogg's, let me tell you!
Sadly, the illustrator for The ELF.B.I and The Search For Santa’s Sleigh, will not be working with me on future projects. Without word nor warning, said illustrator slipped off into the night like a bandit on a bike and blindsided ickle old me. We will leave that one right there as Mrs Christmas will not use expletives! Besides which, there are far worse events and issues that folk are facing in the world. If we were to put things into perspective, I will just simply wish said illustrator well, forgive and move forward.

Then there’s the darling of Perfect Reasons Publications, Meneer who also gave me huge reason for concern and made my heart stop for several months! However, after super emotional discussions and some clear understanding of Meneer’s plight since 2022, we have welcomed Meneer and his six-strong team of illustrators and animators, back into the bosom of our hearts. I hope you will join me as we build our love and trust once more and learn to forgive?

This does mean, on an incredible turn of events, Hullabazoodle has had some serious upgrades! Working to a new style of illustration, Meneer and his team have almost finished Hullabazoodle! I know right! Shocked? I am too! They say to move forward, is to adopt the Art of Forgiveness. I have to say, I am Mrs Christmas and with the Art coming through from Meneer, I am very much all-forgiving!

As you can see for yourself, the first sketches are the old illustration style from 2022, the very early stages of the same, followed by the new cinema style upgrade by Meneer and his team. Imagine these when we get to the colour stage! If you believe in the universe delivering what you need, when it is needed, then I believe for my young readers, Hullabazoodle was always meant to be delayed until Meneer transformed his talents to his capabilities you see today. The children are in for a visual delight beyond all expectations and a story that will have them turning the page time and time again.
I am putting my faith in Meneer once more, along with his team, and I am confident Hullabzoodle will be in print for 2025. I have to say, so far, I am super impressed in the cinema style which has been adopted for future endeavors. Plans for Hullabazoodle will, fingers crossed, go even further after the book is released. Perhaps, into moving animation? Watch this space!

Then we come to the super exciting new release for 2024! The ELF.B.I and Santa’s Stowaway!
As we said "what is done is done" with the old, and we welcomed our new illustrator and fellow Brit, Joshua Mitchell-Taylor who joins us this year with his insane talent, charisma and flare, bringing the humor and fun to my new addition of The ELF.B.I mini series, Santa's Stowaway!

Another spectacular seasonal adventure for Santa and Belle and our little ones too!
This super funny Christmassy tale is sure to have my Snogalicious Believer Readers in a festive frenzy as they join Santa and Belle on a new Christmas Eve mission.
Writing and illustrating this story was on another level! Joshua literally cracked the whip from the get-go and had my head in a spin! Joshua was exactly what I needed too. It was all go-go-go from outset, just how I like it.
A little synopsis, which also comes with another collectible Santa button for the children to find on Christmas morning when Santa has been....
"After hearing howls and growls coming from Santa’s sleigh, young readers, along with Santa and Belle must discover what is hiding in Santa’s sleigh? How will Santa be able to deliver his gifts on Christmas Eve if the he can't fly the sleigh? Young readers will look back over Santa and Belle’s night so far to figure out what crept into the sleigh and where did it come from? But, more importantly, is Santa’s Stowaway friend or foe?"
As you are all VIPs, the website is now open to take your pre orders for a September delivery of the First Edition before the public edition in October. I will pop the link below for ease of ordering. However, please be quick my little darlings, as the Limited First Edition is exactly as it says on the book, "Limited".
Well now, I think that’s enough from me! I swear I could go on forever with six months to catch you up on, but I don’t want you drawing your pension or at the very least, missing the day before this blog ends!
Lots of Love, Always
Mrs Christmas ~ aka KLo x
