Record Sales at Perfect Reasons Publications with smiles for miles from little readers everywhere. The Magic of Christmas is just beginning!

High-five you guys! The First Editions launch of The ELF.B.I and Santa’s Stowaway was a huge hit! With reviews over social media and the website making my heart beat as fast as a hummingbird, so much so I thought it would burst with joy! You know I spent the past two weeks ugly-happy crying at every review and photo don’t you? Of course you do, you know me so well. Snogalicious snot EVERYWHERE!

Photos of your little darlings receiving their copy of Santa's Stowaway is like winning the jackpot every time and I have to say, it is never too early to read a Christmas story, right? At least they’re reading a book and away from tech for a little while. For me, that's a Winner!

Not that this little precious one has any interest in technology right now. She's starting her childhood with the aroma of a new book and chocolate surprise with the First Edition for her First Christmas gifted by Grandma and Grandad. I think the red velvet pouch and two chocolate treats from Mrs Claus is a slavalicious hit, dont you agree? My heart right now!

So, in the coming weeks, I will be preparing for the launch of the General Edition, having Mrs Christmas’ red velvet dress dry cleaned and organising the festive book tour for schools and events. I take great delight in having schools nearby on the schedule. Supporting the local community is so important. I also have locations further afield, with each stop sure to fill the little ones, and me, with the Magic of Christmas! Prolonging the Believe Years of Childhood, one story at a time.

As the VIP First Editions have been safely delivered, we have released a limited amount on the website which we hold in reserve should Mr Postie fail to deliver or, heaven forbid, a book is damaged! I don't even dog ear my pages, so a damaged book in transit put's the fear of Grinch in me!
Quickly moving on. The General Edition is also now available to pre order ahead of the release date on September 28th. EEEEKS! I have also added the "Santa's Buttons For Mrs Claus" red velvet pouch and more chocolate too! Again, the pouches are limited, so be as quick as you can.
Finally, then I shall leave you in peace, well, until next time at least! If you have any of the three Santa Button Books in your book collection, I would love to read your review on the new Reviews tab on the website. Reviews are worth their weight in gold, they truly are. It shows the world my stories beyond the reach if I tried alone. I would appreciate, most highly, if you would help me to spread the Magic of Christmas.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your everlasting love and support. This third book would not have been possible without you. My love of being a children's author would not be possible without you. I have so much to thank you for.
With Love
aka Mrs Christmas