Santa's Lost Buttons picture book and real wooden Santa button surpass Christmas 2021 sales! A Bumper Year of Christmas Collaborations in particular with Memory Boutique Photography resulted in a second year for the "SOLD OUT" sign to swing proudly at Perfect Reasons Publications.
The excitement on faces, I'm sure you'll agree,
will warm the hearts of many who see.
A Christmas grump, like The Grinch himself,
will feel their heart fill with love by itself.
The Magic of Christmas came from a book
and was captured in pictures, an Angel took.
Children enjoying the excitement of finding Santa's Lost Buttons as their precious childhood moments are captured at the Memory Boutique photo studio
in the Ribble Valley, Lancashire, UK.
Scores of families in matching seasonal nightwear shared magical moments, which featured Santa's Lost Buttons picture book under the skillful eye and a powerful lens mastered by photographer Kimi Watson
Smiles for Miles as the magic sparkles from Santa's Lost Buttons picture book!
A spectacular Christmas photo shoot to remember for generations to come!
Childhood memories are precious. Photographer Kimi Watson has the most wonderful life, capturing these precious moments at the Memory Boutique.
Family time reading Santa's Lost Buttons picture book as the excitement
builds for Santa's arrival on Christmas Eve!
Thank You, from the bottom of our overflowing with love and pride hearts Kimi!
Not only will hundreds of families have your precious memories to look at and recall for generations to come, but Santa's Lost Buttons picture book will be right there with them too.
You can read Perfect Reasons Publications' blog of October 2022 with Memory Boutique and visit Memory Boutique's website here