You Don’t Get That “New Book Smell” From A Kindle! Perfect Reasons Publications Will Always Back The Book!

The proof book of The ELF.B.I and Santa’s Stowaway arrived this week, with thanks to my elderly neighbour who spotted the delivery man while I wasn’t looking and most certainly would not let him leave! No one argues with an elderly gentleman on a mission. Big high-five to my supportive neighbours.
Now, when I opened the package, my delight and excitement were instantaneous. That distinctive aroma of printing ink on virgin paper and all-round book newness filled my nostrils and made me swoon. I don’t know about you, but certain aromas evoke memories, and a new book smell catapults me back to my childhood. I actually sniffed books everywhere I went as a kid; I didn’t half get some funny looks come to think of it? However, the love of that new book aroma has stayed with me through to adulthood too.

It’s the same with Santa’s Buttons. Mrs Claus told me when the delivery of Santa’s Buttons arrives, their cabin is filled with the scent of cherry wood and logs burning on an open fire. This reminds her of the Eve of Christmas Eve when she Enjoys a cup of cocoa and a mince pie with Santa Claus before the frantic festive frivolities commence the very next day!

I am a lover of a real book. I have never been a fan of kindle and the aforementioned are just a snippet of the reasons why.
A new book has something you can’t find on a device, with which our lives are filled. A new book brings with it aromas to immediately awaken the senses. A fabulous title, a colorful and gripping front cover, and the scent of a new adventure, all merged together are like… magic.

This can’t be recreated, replaced nor captured in plastic, metal and glass. For me, I want to feel the turn of a new page not swipe up or across. I dont get that swooshing sound of paper and air as my finger slides on a cold screen. Why, even the crack of the spine of a book gives me tingles as I delve further into the depths of a mystery.

A Kindle for me personally is, what's the word... unfeeling. I mean it doesn’t feel “personal,” it's more cold and lifeless. This is why I will always Back The Book and never prefer a Kindle over the real feeling I get from a book. A Kindle has its uses and a place for those who have difficulties with small print, or for audio for the visually impaired for one seriously good reason to be fair. I'm sure there are other good reasons, but not Perfect Reasons and still, you can’t beat the real thing, can you?
As I sit here in bed on a Saturday morning, drinking my first brew at exactly 06:56 (I will spare you the photo of this as it’s not pretty, let me tell you!), I'm Sniffing The Proof and I say, "Naaaaa, there’s nothing like the real thing!"
Have a great day y’all
All My Love As Always
My Christmas books are now available to pre-order ahead of the Christmas rush!
What's more, there are a few copies of the Limited First Edition of
The ELF.B.I and Santa's Stowaway waiting for loving little hands to turn its pages.
Simply click the button below!