Gloom To Glory! What A Story!

Hello you! Well here we are, officially the day The ELF.B.I and Santa's Stowaway is off the shelf and flying toward a very Merry Christmas and into the hands of children everywhere. I could not be more happy if were crushing a grape and dancing naked in a vat of custard! Perish the thought over breakfast! Apologies.

I am also tickled a very Christmassy red to announce my adventures leading me toward Auothordom, on board a ridiculously up-and-down-and-sideways head spinning ride, is now set to soar off the track and grow wings!
Having entered a publicity competition in early September (with some fierce rivals let me tell you!) to win 3 months free publicity with a, quite frankly, blummin' brilliant PR Agent, I only went and won it didn't I! Who'd have thunk it!
Natalie Trice Publicity is owned by, she may be tiny but she is mighty, Natalie Trice! Natalie has worked with many famous people on their PR campaigns. You may have heard of them? Let's see.
So, there's someone called Robbie, used to be in a boy band back in the day and shouted "I'm rich beyond my wildest dreams!" the show-off. David something-or-other, a bloke who is famous in the world of TV for nature documentaries and loves talking about a Blue Planet? Oh and some American dude who was married to a woman called Jennifer (apparently, he cheated on her but he's really good looking so we all forgave him!) Natalie has also worked on branding PR projects too including some Betty Crocker woman who is really good at baking.
I wasn't too sure who they all were myself, but following a Google stalking session, I can say, I know I am in really good hands. Let's see where the adventure takes us next, eh? Yes I said "us"... you dont think I'm going out there on my own do you? You are definitely coming with me, so grab your coat!

Today I will be completing the pre orders of The ELF.B.I and Santa's Stowaway, eating KitKats, drinking Yorkshire Tea (of course!) and enjoying the thought that this year oh so nearly never was (if you read my previous blog post you will know the beginning of 2024 was not the best to say the least) With all of that nonsense now in the past, we have stepped forward, strike that. We have bounded, with a mahoosive giant leap forward, to an exciting future!

With huge thanks to Joshua, as always for being simply a most excellent illustrator and well, a jolly nice man actually. I look forward to working with Joshua on future projects. There's much to come for 2025 let me tell you. It is already set to be a super busy year.
Until next time, you gorgeous reader you, I will love thee and leave thee to your day! Try not to think about me dancing naked in custard while you tuck into your porridge, will you now? ;)
With Love
KLo x
aka a Mrs Christmas